Pretzel Art courtesy of Frances Winterberger, Rochester, NY
Please send photos, information on the history and genealogy of the Winterbergers,
and your own web/blog links.
Contact information is at the bottom of the page.
The Next Winterberger Reunion
Summer 2010
tentatively in Lawrence, Kansas
The 2007 Reunion
The Winterberger Family Reunion 2007 was held in Spring Hill (a suburb of Nashville), Tennessee,
Friday, August 3 - Sunday, August 5.
Hostess for the event was
Kim Cowan( and her family.
The festivities began on Friday evening with a pizza/pool party at Kim's neighborhood
clubhouse. On Saturday morning, we convoyed into Franklin to see the historic downtown area and the Carter House, or went out
east of Nashville to The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home). Others visited the Parthenon, a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Greece, complete with a giant, gilded statue of Athena. The Nashville Parthenon is now an art gallery.
The reunion itself was held Saturday at the Rippavilla Plantation, and included a private tour of the house for those who arrived early.
The Rippavilla Plantation was built in 1851 by Nathaniel F. Cheairs. During the Civil War, troops from
both armies camped here and fought part of the Battle of Spring Hill on the plantation. Both Union and
Confederate generals used Rippavilla as their headquarters.
On Sunday, Kim and Chris hosted a family breakfast to send everyone off on their journeys with full stomachs and plenty of caffeine.
Click Here for Photos
Previous Winterberger Reunions:
2004 Cary, North Carolina
hosts: Shawn and Connie Winterberger
2001 Erie, Pennsylvania
host: Suzanne Winterberger
In Other Winterberger News
Coming this Fall!
The History of the Winterbergers, As We Know It!
Winterberger Web Links
back to The Creative Intelligence Agency
Ken Winterberger Anchorage, AK . . . history of the Winterbergers
Barbara Winterberger's Blog
Suzanne Winterberger's Family Blog
This webpage is maintained by The Creative Intelligence Agency
and was last updated on August 31, 2007.
Email any comments, or request to link your page to this one, to Suzanne Winterberger